As we journey through life we are presented, each of us, with complex questions, difficult problems, and needs that often require professional support and gentle guidance to resolve life's many mysteries, twists, and turns. It is through our exploration of our selves and the world that we live in that we continue to evolve and grow and make a peaceful and happy life possible. Not just for our own self but for those we love and the generations to come.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Relaxation From Anxiety

I find it really helpful to use recorded guided relaxation CDs when I'm feeling anxious and many of my clients have found it helpful as well. If you try to relax on your own sometimes the chatter in your own head about it can interfere with any peace. With guided meditations/relaxations someone elses voice leads you into a peaceful state and then you can take a more passive mind stance.
Everyone may like a different voice or style so check out many different ones and see what works best for you.

Check out some of these links:
YouTube: type in relaxation

There is also a fun iPhone/iPad App called Shrinky: Anxiety that has a good program you can carry around with you. I see there is also a Shrinky: Anger but I haven't tried it.
Let me know if you find anything especially good so I can pass the information on.

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