I was reading the third Sookie Stackhouse mystery (the books that the HBO series, Trueblood, is based on), Club Dead, and was thinking about how upset Sookie was that Vampire Bill supposedly was going to leave her for his old vampire girlfriend. She heard this from another vampire who told her about the great passion Bill had with his ex and how he intended to break things off with Sookie. She went right to her anger, feeling some pain and rejection, but mostly anger and she decided to end things with Bill right after she saved him from the torture chamber he was being held captive in. Now, obviously, this is ridiculous but not so far off of what happens to us mortals every day in relationships.
Sookie heard a rumor, believed it with no proof, and did not go ask or check it out with Bill. Then she "made up a story" about what she had heard based on her life experiences and "made" herself have feelings based on what she had made up!
By the end of the book she was still feeling rejected, abandoned and angry. She had rescued Bill from his torturer (who turned out to be the same ex she was worried he was going to leave her for) and "rescinded her invitation" to her home so Bill could not come in to talk to her....and she still had not asked for an explanation!
Talk about putting up WALLS!
Sookie may be able to read human minds but she is not so good at relationships.
We have to remember to communicate and check out our interpretations of events in relationships.
If you find out someone has done something then you have to decide when to stay and work things out and when to walk.
Maybe in Dead To The World, Book 4, they'll get a chance to talk it out and we can find out what really happened?